How do I reset a model's original rotation after it randomly rotating around? I want the model's rotation to be 0,0,0 when I am done with the animation of the model.
local speed = 40 local orig = script.Parent local rotation = math.random(-360,360) local cf = orig:GetModelCFrame() function ModelCFrame(Model,Frame) local search,MidFrame,list = nil,Model:GetModelCFrame(),{} search=function(a) for n,o in pairs(a:GetChildren())do if(o:IsA("BasePart"))then table.insert(list,o) end search(o) end end search(Model) for n,o in pairs(list)do o.CFrame=Frame*MidFrame:toObjectSpace(o.CFrame) end end while(wait())do rotation = rotation+(speed/5) if(rotation>360)then rotation = 0 end ModelCFrame(orig,cf*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(rotation),math.rad(rotation),math.rad(rotation))) end
Maybe save the rotation in a variable and after rotating it, put it back to the original variable rotation