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how to script a tool that "just" clicks?

Asked by 9 years ago

Is it possible to make a tool (screwdriver) which has exactly the same function as if you do not have a tool equipped. So it is still possible to click on eg "Clickdetector" when you have the tool equipped. I am noob in the script making, but try to learn and are unfortunately not the type who learns by reading but more the type who learn by doing! I have created a tool and inserted a Localscrip with the following contents.

RBXScriptSignal Button1Down ()

local bin = script.Parent 

Why would you make a tool if it doesn't do anything? grasheeno 70 — 9y
Because when you click a "screw" (brick) with the screwdriver equipped, the screw are going to erase itself. I could click without the screwdriver, but i it not give the right "feeling" of "doing a job" Fjennehav 0 — 9y
Well, it is possible. Before we get into code however, I need to see your attempt. Lacryma 548 — 9y
I am noob in the script making, but try to learn and are unfortunately not the type who learns by reading but more the type who learn by doing! I have created a tool and inserted a Localscrip with the following contents. RBXScriptSignal Button1Down () local bin = script.Parent bin.Selected:connect(function(Mouse) Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() print("Button1Down") end) end) Fjennehav 0 — 9y

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