So I'm trying to get it so it changes automatically so say you move your mouse then it moves, It doesn't do that it just stays still. I'm also trying to get it to change block type when it's changed,
local last = "Slab" script.Parent.Parent.MaterialPicker.Placing.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.MaterialPicker.Placing.Value then repeat local GetMaterial = script.Parent.Parent.Refrences:WaitForChild(currentType) wait(.1) --If diffrent then change block if script.Parent.Parent.Refrences:WaitForChild(currentType).Name ~= last then Player.Character[last].Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Refrences last = GetMaterial end -- GetMaterial.Parent = Player.Character GetMaterial.Transparency = .6 GetMaterial.BrickColor = local material = script.Parent.Parent.MaterialPicker.MainFrame.CurrentMaterial.Value local x = math.ceil(Mouse.Hit.p.X)-2 local z = math.ceil(Mouse.Hit.p.Z)-2 x1 = x%4 z1 = z%4 x2 = x + (4 - x1) z2 = z + (4 - z1) GetMaterial.CFrame =, round(Mouse.Hit.p.Y, .2)+.3, z2) GetMaterial.Material = Enum.Material[material] GetMaterial.CanCollide = false part = GetMaterial until not script.Parent.Parent.MaterialPicker.Placing.Value end end)
I might be wrong on this, but make sure the block is not anchored. I was confused on this script, sorry if I am wrong.