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ServerStorage is not a valid member of data model?

Asked by
lucas4114 607 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

So, I have this for my gun:

Bullet = game.ServerStorage.RocketBullet1:Clone() 

It WORKS when I play in studio, but in game it doesn't work... :/ Output says this: 13:17:32 -- ServerStorage is not a valid member of DataModel This is in a local script.

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Answered by
NotSoNorm 777 Moderation Voter
9 years ago


I forgot! You can't access ServerStorage from a localscript hence the name ServerStorage What you should do is use ReplicatedStorage

ReplicatedStorage Acts the same way as ServerStorage, Right?... lucas4114 607 — 9y
Yes I belive NotSoNorm 777 — 9y

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