I'm trying to make the hat weld to your head, but this script isn't working. Can anyone help me? This is a local script.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local c = player.Character local humanoid = c.Humanoid local h = c.Head local t = c.Torso local ra = c["Right Arm"] local la = c["Left Arm"] local rl = c["Right Leg"] local ll = c["Left Leg"] function hat() if player.c.Name == "DigitalZer3" then local hat = script.Parent.DominusV2.Handle hat.CFrame = h.CFrame end end
Might be worth actually calling the function?
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local c = player.Character local humanoid = c.Humanoid local h = c.Head local t = c.Torso local ra = c["Right Arm"] local la = c["Left Arm"] local rl = c["Right Leg"] local ll = c["Left Leg"] function hat() if player.c.Name == "DigitalZer3" then local hat = script.Parent.DominusV2.Handle hat.CFrame = h.CFrame end end hat()
You will also need to change the parenthood of the hat to the Player's character.