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Data Store Saving Player Scripts?

Asked by 9 years ago

In my game the things you can buy are abilities which are activated by pressing the "E" Key. So the abilities are scripts. Is there a way of saving these scripts (Specifically), when a player has gotten them? Maybe changing around this script that saves in game purchases. Such as Developer products.

local MarketplaceService = Game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local developerProductAmount = 10

MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo)
    -- create variable for player data
    local playerData = PlayerDataStore:GetSaveDataById(receiptInfo.PlayerId)
    -- create update function for purchase history and ingame money for player data
    playerData:Update({'Purchases', 'InGameMoney'}, function(oldPurchases, oldMoney)
        -- create purchases table if it does not exist yet
        if not oldPurchases then oldPurchases = {} end
        -- check if this transaction has already been processed via purchaseId
        if not oldPurchases[receiptInfo.PurchaseId] then
            -- this transaction hasn't been processed   
            -- if player did not have money before start money at 0
            if not oldMoney then oldMoney = 0 end
            -- give player in-game money
            oldMoney = oldMoney + developerProductAmount
            -- flag purchase as handled
            oldPurchases[receiptInfo.PurchaseId] = true
        return oldPurchases, oldMoney
    return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted
Saving the script/abilities name to their abilities data store is a simple idea. Lacryma 548 — 9y
Im just not very familier with this script specificly (Data Stores) Bascily one of the only few scripts I havent familerized myself with yet. CarterTheHippo 120 — 9y
Is there a specific place you would reccomend to learn about this specificly? And please not roblox wiki I have already checked that out. CarterTheHippo 120 — 9y

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