local Decal = game.Workspace["PBST New Decal Projector (without script)"].Display.Decal local Button = script.Parent.TextButton local Box = script.Parent.TextBox local Label = script.Parent.Label local ID = script.Parent.ID Button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.ID.Value = script.Parent.ID.Value - 1 Decal.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=" ..ID.Value.. "" end) Box.InputBegan:connect(function() while wait() do Label.Text = "ID: " ..Box.Text.. "" ID.Value = Box.Text end end)
What this is, is a "Decal Importer Script". It is commonly used at HQ for places. I have all the hereditary correct, but I get this error when in "Play Mode". Note not ROBLOX Studio Play Mode, but the ROBLOX Client Play Mode.
ERROR: "TextButton" isn't a valid member of Frame. script:Line 2
Sometimes things load a little bit after people spawn in, nibzor. So we can fix this by using Waitforchild so it waits for each of the locals.
local Decal = game.Workspace["PBST New Decal Projector (without script)"].Display.Decal local Button = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextButton") local Box = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TextBox") local Label = script.Parent:WaiForChild("Label") local ID = script.Parent.ID Button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.ID.Value = script.Parent.ID.Value - 1 Decal.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=" ..ID.Value.. "" end) Box.InputBegan:connect(function() while wait() do Label.Text = "ID: " ..Box.Text.. "" ID.Value = Box.Text end
The reason the output says that is because you must make sure that the TextButton's parent is the Frame.