I want to make an Admin Gui that shows up for certain people. I've been searching, but I can't find anything.
-- A simple one for non-experienced coders. Put this in a "LocalScript" and put it inside the Gui. Change the names in "Admins" to who you want to be able to use it and leave the Gui in StarterGui. local Admins = { "darkelementallord", "ThatGuy", "Meh" } local Allowed = false for _,n in pairs(Admins) do if (n:lower() == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name:lower()) then Allowed = true break end end if (not Allowed) then script.Parent:Destroy() end
To make a gui show up for certain people, you must insert it into their PlayerGui. The PlayerGui object is a container that holds a Player's user GUI. So, we want to insert the gui we are making, into the playergui of the player that we want to have the gui onscreen.