I'm making a custom model, and trying to animate it. It's quadripedal, and I've got all the legs hooked together with Motor6Ds, but when I go to move any limbs in the animation plugin, the origin is off. I'm hooking them together with this code:
local m6a = {FL, FR, BL, BR} mo.Parent = game.Workspace mo:MakeJoints() for k, v in pairs(m6a) do local m6d = Instance.new("Motor6D") m6d.Parent = torso m6d.Part0 = torso m6d.Part1 = v m6d.Name = v.Name.."Joint" m6d.C0 = (m6d.Part0.CFrame:inverse()) m6d.C1 = (m6d.Part1.CFrame:inverse()) end
How would I change the origin? There's no real order behind where the origin is now, besides being the same for the front 2 and back 2 feet.