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How do I make this work?

Asked by 9 years ago

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I made a script. Below is the code on the script:

lol = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.hiuok.DropScript.StartValue.Value
wat = script.Parent.Text

wat.Text = lol.Value
    wat.Text = lol.Value

then it said "attempt to index global 'lol' (a number value)" Help?

Please use the code block tag for your code. Sparker22 190 — 9y
Simple fix, you made "lol" an actual value, not a reference to an object. Just remove the .Value when stating what lol is :) legobuildermaster 220 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

What you did was, made lol a value not a referable "Thing". To fix this mistake remove the .Value at the end of line 1!

lol = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.hiuok.DropScript.StartValue

Hope This helped this is also stated by legomasterbuilder


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