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Why isn't the loading Gui loading the character?

Asked by 9 years ago

s = script gui = s.Parent bg = gui.Bg base = bg.BarBase bar = base.Bar label = base.PercLabel cp = 0 added = 0.33 lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer function LoadGame() while cp < 100 do wait(0.01) cp = cp + added label.Text = cp.."%" local size = cp / 100 bar.Size =,0,1,0) end startGame() end function startGame() gui:remove() lp:LoadCharacter() end LoadGame()

On line 32 it should load the character, but it's not... why?

1 answer

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Answered by
4Bros 550 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

The :LoadCharacter() method can only be called by a serverscript, not a localscript

It's in replicated storage and it's linked to a GuiManager in Serverscriptsservive iiCasual 20 — 9y
The script calling :LoadCharacter() has to be a serverscript, this script is a local script since you can get the localplayer. 4Bros 550 — 9y

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