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How do I make a balanced capture between two character types?

Asked by 9 years ago

Lets say I want to make a balanced capture between the occurrence of an uppercase an a lowercase letter.

words = "I WANT 9()?!., CHOCOLATE milk!"

using the balanced capture, %bxy, how would I match a pattern to correspond to the the the first occurrence of an uppercase letter, followed by a lowercase letter and everything inbetween?

My ideal solution does not work

for match in string.gmatch(words, "%b%u%l") do
    print (match)
Ideally it should print "I WANT 9()?!., CHOCOLATE m" randomsmileyface 375 — 9y
I don't understand what you're asking. Can you give examples (what should match, what shouldn't)? BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

I believe the pattern you're looking for is "%u%L*%l". That's one upper case letter followed by non-lowercase letters followed by a single lower case letter.

(I don't think "balanced captures" have anything to do with it.)


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