The Propose of the script is to give a player a spotlight, and then count down a battery number value to 0, then disable the light. But it unfortunately its not working, any idea why? Code:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local char = plr.Character local sp = script.Parent local mouse =plr:GetMouse() L ="SpotLight") L.Parent = char.Torso L.Brightness = 10 L.Range = 20 if sp.Parent.Battery ~= nil then while sp.Parent.Battery.Value = 0< do sp.Parent.Battery.Value = sp.Parent.Battery.Value -1 until sp.Parent.Battery.Value = 0 if sp.Parent.Battery.Value = 0 then char.Torso.SpotLight.Enabled = false end end
If you would ever check the output the error would be quite obvious, but anyway here's what's wrong:
On line 10 I'm not sure what you're doing e.e but I think you meant:
while sp.Parent.Battery.Value > 0 do
Which will take 1 off the battery value WHILE the battery value is greater than 0
You are also using until wrong because you have no repeat
anywhere so i'm not sure what you're trying with that.
I think what you're attempting to do is this:
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until plr.Character -- waiting until character exists local char = plr.Character local sp = script.Parent local mouse =plr:GetMouse() L ="SpotLight", char.Torso) L.Brightness = 10 L.Range = 20 if sp.Parent.Battery.Value ~= nil then repeat -- takes 1 off battery every 1 second until the battery is equal to 0 then disables spotlight sp.Parent.Battery.Value = sp.Parent.Battery.Value -1 wait(1) until sp.Parent.Battery.Value == 0 char.Torso.SpotLight.Enabled = false end