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Mouse data and objects in the server and local environment?

Asked by
Mowblow 117
9 years ago

I am currently developing a helicopter and I am going to use the mouse.Hit's lookvector to point the helicopter in a certain direction.

If I set the helicopter's position through a local script accessing the mouse, will they helicopter only change position on the client? And If I make something transparent or opaque from a client/local script, does it only show up on the client's environment?

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Answered by 9 years ago

No, this is he only way to do it due to the fact Mouse is client-sided as long as the variable isn't a local part then everything should work. If this didnt't answer your question comment and i'll give another answer.

What your saying is, if the part was not generated, added in, or created on the client, everything should still show up on the server? Mowblow 117 — 9y
It can be created in the client but it cant be added into it User#5978 25 — 9y

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