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ipairs and in pairs? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

This question already has an answer here:

What's the difference between pairs and ipairs?

What is the difference between ipairs and In pairs? THANKS

In the future, please use the search feature before asking Questions. adark 5487 — 9y

Marked as Duplicate by BlueTaslem

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Answered by
xAtom_ik 574 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Not sure, but this is what it says on the wiki:

Ipairs: Returns three values: an iterator function, the table t, and 0, so that the construction will iterate over the pairs (1,t[1]), (2,t[2]), ···, up to the first integer key absent from the table.

Pairs: Returns three values: the next function, the table t, and nil, so that the construction will iterate over all key–value pairs of table t.

Pairs is here.

Ipairs is here.

I hope this helped you!

Thank you CrabEngineer -1 — 9y