I have a LocalScript
that's inside a GUI
. I'm having a problem were it looks like that my local script isn't finding the ServerStorage
in online mode. It works in solo mode. I know this because i used print in online mode and the log didn't printed "Found ServerStorage". Any help?
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local frame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Frame2") print("Found frame2") local mouseoff = true local ss = game:WaitForChild("ServerStorage") print("Found ServerStorage") local g = ss:WaitForChild("Gears") print("Found Gears") local items = g:WaitForChild("Items") print("Found Items") local mouse = player:GetMouse() function MoveFrame() while not mouseoff do wait(0) frame.Position = UDim2.new(0,mouse.X-180,0,mouse.Y-240) if mouseoff then break end end end script.Parent.MouseEnter:connect(function(x,y) print("Fired") if script.Parent.Item.Value ~= "" then print(script.Parent.Item.Value) local item = items:findFirstChild(script.Parent.Item.Value) frame.Position = UDim2.new(0,x-180,0,y-240) frame.ToolName.Text = item:findFirstChild("Name").Value frame.Category.Text = "Category: "..item.Category.Value if item:findFirstChild("Damage") then frame.Line1.Text = "Damage:" ..item.Damage.Value if item:findFirstChild("Special") then frame.Line2.Text = "Special:" ..item.Special.Value end elseif item:findFirstChild("Ability") then frame.Line1.Text = "Ability:" ..item.Ability.Value end frame.Visible = true mouseoff = false MoveFrame() end end) script.Parent.MouseLeave:connect(function() mouseoff = true frame.Visible = false frame.Line1.Text = "" frame.Line2.Text = "" end) script.Parent.Item.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Item.Value == "" then mouseoff = true frame.Visible = false frame.Line1.Text = "" frame.Line2.Text = "" end end)
Solution: LocalScripts can't access ServerStorage
since local scripts can't access server storage, you should put it in ReplicatedStorage.