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Make the game not load shirt, pants and hat?

Asked by 9 years ago

How do I make the game not load the characters pants and shirt and hat without doing

CanLoadCharacterAppearance = false

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Answered by 9 years ago

EDIT: Someone said about you not wanting to do this, so here is a way of doing that!

What I will be doing is taking the player and waiting for the character to load. Once that happens, I wait for their pants, shirt, and hats to load, then :Remove() them.

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function (player)
    player.CharacterAdded:connect(function (char)
        for _, object in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
            if object:IsA("Pants") or object:IsA("Shirt") or object:IsA("Hat") then

Hope this helps :)

Below this line is the way you didn't want to do it, but for other's it may be useful, so I left it.

Hey! First off here is a wiki page to the player object! This has some information about it AND the stuff about the character loading stuff!

Okay to begin this is how I believe you can set it up as:

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function (player)
    player.CanLoadCharacterApparence = false

That is server side, so I'm not positive it will work! So here a little snippet of code for a local script instead!

game.Players.LocalPlayer.CanLoadCharacterApparence = false
The OP asked not to use the CanLoadCharacterAppearance property. Lacryma 548 — 9y
Oh, let me fix that. legobuildermaster 220 — 9y

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