Hi I was doing a thing where if you were an admin you had a special gif, but if you weren't admin then it didn't show the gif. But with my script it just says SnoopDogg is not a valid member of StarterPlayer. Can you help?
local admins = {"docrobloxman52", "BloxTiger531", "mega6566", "TextWaffles", "mrcopperol"} plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer if plr.Name == admins then script.Parent.Text = "Welcome Admin" print("mer") script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.SnoopDogg.SNOOP.SNOOP.Visible = true elseif plr.Name ~= "docrobloxman52" or "Player" then script.Parent.Text = "Welcome "..plr.Name.."!" script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.SnoopDogg.SNOOP.SNOOP.Visible = false end
Here there are quiet a few issues with you code, but I believe this should work :)
local admins = {"docrobloxman52", "BloxTiger531", "mega6566", "TextWaffles", "mrcopperol", "Player"} local player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer local label = script.Parent local snoopie = label.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild'SnoopDogg':WaitForChild'SNOOP':WaitForChild'SNOOP' local isAdmin = false for _,admin in pairs(admins) do if player.Name:lower() == admin:lower() then isAdmin = true end end if isAdmin then label.Text = "Welcome admin!" snoopie.Visible = true else label.Text = "Welcome "..player.Name.."!" snoopie.Visible = false end