I am creating an NPC dog, and I'm trying to load animations onto it. I found out that I needed Motor6D's but when I tried to create them (via. Command Bar) it moved the part. So what do I do to have the part still have its original position and have a motor6d?
If you want to see what I put into the command bar to create the motors, look no further..
workspace.Dog.HumanoidRootPart.MotorToTorso.Part0 = workspace.Dog.HumanoidRootPart workspace.Dog.HumanoidRootPart.MotorToTorso.Part1 = workspace.Dog.Torso
A Motor6D is already placed inside the HumanoidRootPart. If you want a picture of what happens, look here. And what it's supposed to look like, look here.
-- HungryJaffer
workspace.Dog.HumanoidRootPart.MotorToTorso.C0 = CFrame.new(0, 0 ,0)*CFrame.Angles(0 ,0, 0)
After you link the parts together with Motor6D you need to make an Offset with C0. I honestly hate doing this because it takes for even when you have complex models so if you find an easier way please tell me.
http://www.roblox.com/Motor6D-Maker-item?id=174430395 This plugin can be used to make Motor6Ds.