Hi I am trying to make it so what ever a player types in the textbox then you press a button and it shows up like a post on facebook or twitter. Can you help me?
Use the FocusLost
event in textboxes then you make it add a textlabel with the text of the textbox. Here's an example:
TextBox.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed) -- if enterPressed is true that means they pressed enter ;) if enterPressed then newLabel(TextBox.Text) -- example function for creating new label with the textbox's text in it end end)
This is what I came up with but its not working. Any help?
script.Parent.Parent.FeedBackFrame.TextFrame.TextBox.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed) -- if enterPressed is true that means they pressed enter ;) if enterPressed then script.Parent.Parent.TextLabel(script.Parent.Parent.FeedBackFrame.TextBox.Text) end end)