So I'm trying to make a cross-server chat, and I've only just recently gotten into using data store. So, I've created this exmaple of how i could possibly make one, and i tested it. It sorta works, however the more messages there are, the longer it seemingly takes to cache and load information.
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local ChatStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("ChatStore") Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) p.Chatted:connect(function(msg) ChatStore:UpdateAsync("Chats", function(value) table.insert(value, p.Name..': '..msg) return value end) end) end) while wait(1) do table.foreach(ChatStore:GetAsync("Chats"),print) end
As you could imagine, that's super problematic when making a chat system. And i have seen cross-server chat systems before that operate at a faster pace, so if anyone knows how i can make this effective or usable, i'd appreciate it. Thanks.