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Will this work to signify if a player has been in the game before?

Asked by
unmiss 337 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

If they haven't been in the game before, this will set it to true, but something else needs to happen if they haven't, my intro GUI handled by a separate localscript. How exactly would I get this to work? I'm sort of being braindead at the moment and confused. Help, please?

local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
local datastoreservice = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("BoE_BeenBefore")
local beenbefore

    if datastoreservice:GetAsync(player.userId) == false or nil then
        script.Parent.beenbefore.Value = false
    elseif datastoreservice:GetAsync(player.userId) == true then
        script.Parent.beenbefore.Value = true

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Couple of things:

  • The key must not be the player's userId
  • You must either set or update async to set it.


The key of a datastore must not be the player's userId; plain. So you can add a "player_" or "user_" in front of the id. Also, make sure the userId is greater than 0, this means the player is a guest.

if plyr.userId > 0 then
    DS:SetAsync("user_"..plyr.userId, 173821)

UpdateAsync(string Key, Variant function(Variant) transformFunction)

Updates the async.

DS:UpdateAsync("user_"..plyr.userId, function()
    return true --return the value you want it to change to.

SetAsync(string Key, Variant value)

SetAsync is like GetAsync but there is another argument, the value you are setting it to.

DS:SetAsync("user_"..plyr.userId, 173821)

Final Product

local datastoreservice = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("BoE_BeenBefore")

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) --You didn't need line 1, just do this instead.
    if datastoreservice:GetAsync("user_"..player.userId) == nil then
        datastoreservice:SetAsync("user_"..player.userId, false)
    elseif datastoreservice:GetAsync("user_"..player.userId) == false then
        datastoreservice:SetAsync("user_"..player.userId, true)

Hope it helps!


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