Hello, I have problem with music gui. When player join to game it should showing name of music which playing, but i don't know why it don't work. Songs id's are fine.
Here is script from ServerScriptService > Random Music script which is main script:
-- Made by acecateer _G["Last"] = {} local Songs = { {179981960, "Avicii - Levels"}, {190162862, "Avicii - The Nights"}, {163884149, "Amnesia - 5 seconds of summer"}, {174421816, "ERA - Ameno"}, {152473326, "AJR - I'm Ready"}, {163040671, "Queen - Crazy little thing called love"}, {178768217, "TheLivingTombstone - Five nights at Freddy's"}, {158630653, "Queen - Don't stop me now"}, {151710009, "Frozen - Let it go"}, {204128593, "Billy Joel - Piano Man!"} } repeat wait() until _G["Last"] local Notice = script:WaitForChild("Notice") local Debounce = false local Song if #game.Players:GetChildren() == 1 then wait(3) end NextSong = function() if not Debounce then Debounce = true repeat wait() Song = Songs[math.random(1, #Songs)] until Song ~= nil and Song[1] ~= _G["Last"].Song -- This makes it so that it doesn't play the same song twice. _G["Last"].Song = Song[1] local Music = Instance.new("Sound",workspace) Music.Name = Song[2] Music.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..Song[1] Music:Play() Notice.Value = ("Song Playing : "..Song[2]) wait(Music.TimeLength) Music.Volume = 0 repeat Music:Stop() wait() until Music.IsPlaying == false Music:remove() wait() NextSong() Debounce = false end end NextSong()
Here is script from Random Music GUI:
-- Made by acecateer local Random_Music = workspace:FindFirstChild("Random Music") or game.ServerScriptService:FindFirstChild("Random Music") local String = Random_Music:WaitForChild("Notice") local Main = script.Parent local Notice = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Notice") local Shadow = Notice.Shadow local debounce = false local Anim = {} Anim.Duration = 0.4 Anim.Type = "Sine" local Update = function() if not debounce then debounce = true Main:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.3,0,Main.Position.Y.Scale,0), "Out", Anim.Type, Anim.Duration, true) Notice.Text = String.Value Shadow.Text = String.Value wait(4) Main:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(1.43,0,Main.Position.Y.Scale,0), "Out", Anim.Type, Anim.Duration, true) wait(Anim.Duration) Notice.Text = "" -- Not needed :P Shadow.Text = "" -- Also not needed, but why not? :P Main.Position = UDim2.new(-0.43,0,Main.Position.Y.Scale,0) debounce = false end end String.Changed:connect(Update)
It's not my script... Made by acecateer. Here is link: http://www.roblox.com/item.aspx?seoname=Random-Music-system-With-GUI-Broken&id=212028418