So, I made the following code change the position of the Screen GUI when the user clicked the text 0,0button,
view source script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect (function() script.Disabled = true for i = 0.1, 1, 0.1 do script.Parent.Parent.Position =,0,0-i,0) end end)
But as stupid as it sound, I don't know how to get the screen GUI back to the position it was with another textbutton. If anyone knows, that's be great.
Also, the position of my my frames of the part are (0,0,0)
First of all, remember to wrap your code in tilde marks: ~~~
(one before, one after) so that it gets properly formatted.
To answer your question, simply store the 'old' Position to a variable:
local button = script.Parent local oldPos = button.Parent.Position button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Disabled = true for i = 0.1, 1, 0.1 do button.Parent.Position =,0,0-i,0) end wait(5) buton.Parent.Position = oldPos end)