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Developer Products problem, not working?

Asked by
RoyMer 301 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

When someone purchases for instance CASHID1 = 25264200 they're supposed to get 25 Gems, elseif the respective gems amount. This script was working when I only had CASHID1 but since I added 6 other variables it didn't work. (The gems are located in a model named "ds" in the player)

This script is in the serverscriptservice, but in the Gui I have the script that makes the purchase.

local MarketplaceService = Game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PurchaseHistory")

CASHID1 = 25264200
CASHID2 = 25264211 
CASHID3 = 25264216 
CASHID4 = 25264234 
CASHID5 = 25264242
CASHID6 = 25282009

MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo)
    local playerProductKey = "player_" .. receiptInfo.PlayerId .. "_product_" .. receiptInfo.ProductId
    local numberBought = ds:IncrementAsync(playerProductKey, 1)
    for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
        if v.userId == receiptInfo.PlayerId then

                if receiptInfo.ProductId == CASHID1 then
                lds = v:FindFirstChild("ds")
                if lds ~= nil then
                    cs = lds:FindFirstChild("Gems") 
                    if cs ~= nil then
                        cs.Value = cs.Value + 25

                elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == CASHID2 then
                lds = v:FindFirstChild("ds")
                if lds ~= nil then
                    cs = lds:FindFirstChild("Gems") 
                    if cs ~= nil then
                        cs.Value = cs.Value + 50

                elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == CASHID3 then
                lds = v:FindFirstChild("ds")
                if lds ~= nil then
                    cs = lds:FindFirstChild("Gems")
                    if cs ~= nil then
                        cs.Value = cs.Value + 100

                elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == CASHID4 then
                lds = v:FindFirstChild("ds")
                if lds ~= nil then
                    cs = lds:FindFirstChild("Gems")
                    if cs ~= nil then
                        cs.Value = cs.Value + 250

                elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == CASHID5 then
                lds = v:FindFirstChild("ds")
                if lds ~= nil then
                    cs = lds:FindFirstChild("Gems") 
                    if cs ~= nil then
                        cs.Value = cs.Value + 500 

                elseif receiptInfo.ProductId == CASHID6 then
                lds = v:FindFirstChild("ds")
                if lds ~= nil then
                    cs = lds:FindFirstChild("Gems") 
                    if cs ~= nil then
                        cs.Value = cs.Value + 1250                                          
    return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted     

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