Hey everyone, TixyScripter here! I was wondering if I can take the script I am about to show you, and turn it into something else?
The Script -
pcall(function() game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) if player:IsInGroup(2628023) then local cashmoney = game.ServerStorage.MoneyStorage:WaitForChild(player.Name) cashmoney.Value = cashmoney.Value + 500 player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char) if char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") then char.Humanoid.MaxHealth = char.Humanoid.MaxHealth + 15 char.Humanoid.Health = char.Humanoid.Health + 15 char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed + 3 end end) local msg = Instance.new("Hint",workspace) msg.Text = player.Name.." joined the game as a member of Spawn-In Studios" wait(2) msg:Destroy() end end) end)
That script is located in "ServerScriptService" as a normal script... I was wondering how I could turn this script into one that gives them stats when they have left a thumbs up on your game? This particular script gives them things when they are in my group and it works great, but I am unaware on how to change this into a script that gives the bonuses when they thumbs up my game?! If you can please help me out here!!!
Impossible, misleading title and why is your script in a pcall?
You can't tell who thumbsup'd your game or who downvoted, this will never be a feature either. Downvotes are supposed to be a rating not a 'VOTE UP FOR FREE CASH" type of thing. If you see a game that says "Thumbs up for free (whatever)" report it for scamming.