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Event fires more than once?

Asked by 9 years ago

So I have this block of code that checks if the humanoid has died. If they have died, it sets their values to false and subtracts 1 from the playingPlayers value

for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local hum = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") hum.Died:connect(function() v.fakestats:WaitForChild("IsAlive").Value = false v.fakestats:WaitForChild("InGame").Value = false playingPlayers = playingPlayers - 1 -- Right here, let's say theres 3 playingPlayers. Instead of going to --2, it goes way down to like -35 or something. end) end end

My issue: Let's say playingPlayers is at 3. Then someone dies. The script runs through and does everything correctly.. but instead of going from 3 to 2, it subtracts like 30 and goes down to -34 or something. Why does it do this? Why doesn't it just subtract ONE from the variable? Please help!

Where is the script localted? Does it re-apear in the player everytime they respawn? If so, you could do a while wait() do loop and check to see if their health is 0. if it is then num = num - 1 break end Let me know and I'll write you a code if you're confused. ObscureEntity 294 — 9y
This block of code is in a for loop which counts down the time of the minigame, because it is a minigames game. Every 1 second it is fired, basically if the same humanoid has died, since it checks every second, it keeps firing. passtimed 45 — 9y

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