So I have a local script fire a RemoteEvent and the firing and stuff works but the reciving script doesn't
It works in test but not in play mode, In play mode it gives the error: 'Workspace.BlockInserter:8: attempt to index a nil value' Line 8
NormalParts = {"Slab","Wall","Plate"} local event = script.BlockInsertation event.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, name) local chil = game.Workspace[name]:GetChildren() for i = 1, #chil do if chil[i].Name == NormalParts[1] or NormalParts[2] or NormalParts[3] then local clone = game.workspace[name]:FindFirstChild(NormalParts[1] or NormalParts[2] or NormalParts[3]):Clone() clone.Parent = game.Workspace clone.Transparency = 0 print("Not brokenennn") break else local con = script.Parent.MoneyDisplay.ClonedErrors:GetChildren() if #con < 1 then local cloneerror = script.Parent.MoneyDisplay.ErrorDisplay:Clone() cloneerror.Parent = script.Parent.MoneyDisplay.ClonedErrors cloneerror.Description.Text = "Undefined part value" cloneerror:TweenPosition(, 0,0.92, 0),"In","Linear",.2,false) wait(1.5) cloneerror:TweenPosition(, 0,1.1, 0),"Out","Linear",.2,false) wait(1) cloneerror:Destroy() end end end end)
does not work the way you are using it.
does not magically find the the value that will work. It just returns true
if any of the things you give it are truthy.
Since "Slab"
, "Wall"
, and "Plate"
are not false
, or
will be useless when used on just these.
See this question from just today.
That means your check for the name must be explicit:
if chil[i].Name == NormalParts[1] or chil[i].Name == NormalParts[2] or chil[i].Name == NormalParts[3] then
You should really consider using better variable names. Also, workspace
is much shorter than game.Workspace
and a little safer:
local children = workspace[name]:GetChildren() for _, child in pairs(children) do if child.Name == ...... etc
Similarly, you can't use or
in findfirstchild, because you will just get :FindFirstChild("Slab")
, which may not exist.
You could be explicit:
local a = workspace[name]:FindFirstChild( NormalParts[1] ) local b = workspace[name]:FindFirstChild( NormalParts[2] ) local c = workspace[name]:FindFirstChild( NormalParts[3] ) local clone = (a or b or c):Clone()
.... but this probably isn't what you want. It seems like you should be cloning chil[i]
(or child
as I recommend calling it) -- don't search for something with the same name, just use the object you have!
That would look like this:
event.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, name) for _, child in pairs(workspace[name]:GetChildren()) do if child.Name == NormalParts[1] or child.Name == NormalParts[2] or child.Name == NormalParts[3] then local clone = child:Clone() clone.Parent = workspace clone.Transparency = 0 print("Not brokenennn") break else
Your else
doesn't make a lot of sense. If there is one part in there that isn't the right name, you want to fail? And you want to fail using a fancy transition, when there's obviously something very wrong?