So I'm trying to get certain parts that are inside the character (part names are in a table) but I'm having problems getting it to work, The current state has no output. and only returns the 'else' part.
NormalParts = {"Slab","Wall","Plate"} local event = script.BlockInsertation event.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, name) local chil = game.Workspace[name]:GetChildren() for i, v in pairs (chil) do for n, m in pairs(NormalParts) do if NormalParts[n] == v.Name then local clone = workspace:FindFirstChild(name).Slab:Clone() or workspace:FindFirstChild(name).Wall:Clone() or workspace:FindFirstChild(name).Plate:Clone() clone.Parent = game.Workspace break else local con = script.Parent.MoneyDisplay.ClonedErrors:GetChildren() if #con < 1 then local cloneerror = script.Parent.MoneyDisplay.ErrorDisplay:Clone() cloneerror.Parent = script.Parent.MoneyDisplay.ClonedErrors cloneerror.Description.Text = "Undefined part value" cloneerror:TweenPosition(, 0,0.92, 0),"In","Linear",.2,false) wait(1.5) cloneerror:TweenPosition(, 0,1.1, 0),"Out","Linear",.2,false) wait(1) cloneerror:Destroy() end end end break end end)