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Is it possible to retrieve a like from a player?

Asked by 9 years ago

Ok, sorry for the badly written question above, however, what i mean is that can you tell if when a player enters your game, you can tell if they have "liked" or "disliked" your game? The reason ask is i saw a game recently on roblox (front page) that said if you liked their game , it gave you extra things, and i never knew it was possible to do so. Therefore i thought it could be a scam, so thanks to anyone that could help answer this Question , thanks, ~bubs

I honestly don't think people like that deserve to be on the front page. They made it to the top through lies and scams. HungryJaffer 1246 — 9y

1 answer

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Answered by
ImageLabel 1541 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

No, those users aren't legitimately awarding perks for liking their game. It's all a hoax. It would completely defeat the purpose of the ratings system, especially if used to award "likers".

Thanks, I thought it was a scam :) Bubbles5610 217 — 9y

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