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Rotating the torso without mouselock or first person getting in the way?

Asked by
MrFlimsy 345 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

I have a tool that uses welds to animate the player's limbs. There's a certain ability I'd like to make that requires the player's torso to rotate 90 degrees - however if I'm playing in MouseLock or first person mode, the torso refuses to rotate. I can't anchor the torso because, due to the way I have the welds for my animation set up, that causes only the torso to rotate and not the arms.

tl;dr Is there any way I can rotate the torso without anchoring it, and not have it affected by Mouse Lock or first person mode?

1 answer

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Answered by 11 years ago

[I don't think there's a way to do that but if you have about 30 Robux install ROBLOX Animation editor plugin and create an animation with it, then just export it to ROBLOX Using the 30 Robux, you'll have to wait a while for ROBLOX To accept the animation, of course.

Thanks for the suggestion, I have my animation system set up using welds for the purpose of avoiding animation editor. MrFlimsy 345 — 11y

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