I got werewolves vs Humans. Werewolves spawn with a morph, humans don't. This script, it makes EVERYONE spawn with the morph. How would I make it only so the Bright blue team would?
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) if game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor == BrickColor.new('Bright blue') then while not player.Character do wait() end local Ch=player.Character local g = script.Leg1:clone() g.Parent = Ch local C = g:GetChildren() for i=1, #C do if C[i].className == "Part" then local W = Instance.new("Weld") W.Part0 = g.Middle W.Part1 = C[i] local CJ = CFrame.new(g.Middle.Position) local C0 = g.Middle.CFrame:inverse()*CJ local C1 = C[i].CFrame:inverse()*CJ W.C0 = C0 W.C1 = C1 W.Parent = g.Middle end local Y = Instance.new("Weld") Y.Part0 = Ch["Left Leg"] Y.Part1 = g.Middle Y.C0 = CFrame.new(0, 0, 0) Y.Parent = Y.Part0 end local h = g:GetChildren() for i = 1, # h do if h[i].className == "Part" then h[i].Anchored = false h[i].CanCollide = false end end end end)
Hi..(this has not been tested and i cant test it right now) So i dont think you need lines 3 and 4 and Line 2 is not 100 hundred percent correct so I will teach u.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) if game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor == BrickColor.new('Bright blue') then --I changed it right here so it knows to do it -- Then right under it add lines 7 and down.
Like i said it should work but i havent had a chance to test it. Let me know if this worked:)