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Always Hold a tool?

Asked by 9 years ago

I have this assault rifle code, and I'm wonder how to go about making it so no matter what, there holding this tools and It will be functional. Would something as simple as unequipped = false work? or will it be more complex.Here is the beginning gun code:

ToolName="Assault Rifle" ClipSize=30 ReloadTime=2 Firerate=.08 MinSpread=0.15 MaxSpread=0.15 SpreadRate=0.2 BaseDamage= 31 automatic=true burst=false shot=false --Shotgun,.60,0) Cursors={"rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png"} ReloadCursor="rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png" ------------------------------------- equiped=false sp=script.Parent RayLength=1000 Spread=0.15 enabled=true reloading=false down=false r=game:service("RunService") last=0 last2=0 last3=0 last4=0 last5=0 last6=0"Part") Bullet.Name="Bullet""New Yeller") Bullet.Anchored=true Bullet.CanCollide=false Bullet.Locked=true,1,1) --Bullet.Transparency=.65 Bullet.formFactor=0 Bullet.TopSurface=0 Bullet.BottomSurface=0"SpecialMesh") mesh.Parent=Bullet mesh.MeshType="Brick" mesh.Name="Mesh",.15,1) function check() sp.Name=ToolName.." ["..tostring(sp.Ammo.Value).."]" end function computeDirection(vec) local lenSquared = vec.magnitude * vec.magnitude local invSqrt = 1 / math.sqrt(lenSquared) return * invSqrt, vec.y * invSqrt, vec.z * invSqrt) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Raycasting functions function cross(vector1, vector2) return * vector2.z - vector2.y * vector1.z, vector1.z * vector2.x - vector1.x * vector2.z, vector1.x * vector2.y - vector2.x * vector1.y) end function dot(vector1, vector2) return (vector1.x * vector2.x + vector1.y * vector2.y + vector1.z * vector2.z) end function getLineSphereCollide(linePoint1, lineVector, sphereCenter, radius) local a = lineVector.x * lineVector.x + lineVector.y * lineVector.y + lineVector.z * lineVector.z local b = lineVector.x * (linePoint1.x - sphereCenter.x) + lineVector.y * (linePoint1.y - sphereCenter.y) + lineVector.z * (linePoint1.z - sphereCenter.z) local c = (linePoint1.x - sphereCenter.x) * (linePoint1.x - sphereCenter.x) + (linePoint1.y - sphereCenter.y) * (linePoint1.y - sphereCenter.y) + (linePoint1.z - sphereCenter.z) * (linePoint1.z - sphereCenter.z) - radius * radius if (a > 0) and (b * b >= a * c) then local diff = math.sqrt(b * b - a * c) return ((-b - diff) / a), ((diff - b) / a) else return -1, -1 end end --Returns hit, position, normal, time function raycast(model, start, vector, brickFunction) local hit, normal, time = raycastRecursive(model, start, vector, brickFunction, vector.unit, dot(start, vector.unit)) if (dot(normal, vector) > 0) then normal = -normal end return hit, start + time * vector, normal.unit, time end function raycastRecursive(model, start, vector, brickFunction, unitVec, startDist) if (model.className == "Part") or (model.className == "Seat") or (model.className =="SpawnLocation") then local range = model.Size.magnitude / 2 local dist = dot(model.Position, unitVec) - startDist if (dist + range > 0) and (dist - range < vector.magnitude) and ((dist * unitVec + start - model.Position).magnitude < range) and brickFunction(model) then local halfSize = model.Size / 2 if (model.Shape == Enum.PartType.Ball) then local time, timeMax = getLineSphereCollide(start, vector, model.Position, halfSize.x) if (time < 1) and (time >= 0) then return model, (time * vector + start - model.Position), time else return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end elseif (model.Shape == Enum.PartType.Block) then local time = 1 local cf = model.CFrame - model.Position local xvec = cf *, 0, 0) local yvec = cf *, 1, 0) local zvec = cf *, 0, 1) local xspd = -dot(xvec, vector) local yspd = -dot(yvec, vector) local zspd = -dot(zvec, vector) local xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = -1 local dotProd = dot(xvec, start - model.Position) if (xspd ~= 0) then xmin = (dotProd - halfSize.x) / xspd xmax = (dotProd + halfSize.x) / xspd if (xmax < xmin) then local swap = xmin xmin = xmax xmax = swap end else if (math.abs(dotProd) < halfSize.x) then xmax = 1 xmin = 0 else return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end end local dotProd = dot(yvec, start - model.Position) if (yspd ~= 0) then ymin = (dotProd - halfSize.y) / yspd ymax = (dotProd + halfSize.y) / yspd if (ymax < ymin) then local swap = ymin ymin = ymax ymax = swap end else if (math.abs(dotProd) < halfSize.y) then ymax = 1 ymin = 0 else return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end end local dotProd = dot(zvec, start - model.Position) if (zspd ~= 0) then zmin = (dotProd - halfSize.z) / zspd zmax = (dotProd + halfSize.z) / zspd if (zmax < zmin) then local swap = zmin zmin = zmax zmax = swap end else if (math.abs(dotProd) < halfSize.z) then zmax = 1 zmin = 0 else return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end end if (xmin <= ymax) and (xmax >= ymin) and (xmin <= zmax) and (xmax >= zmin) and (zmin <= ymax) and (zmax >= ymin) then local normal = xvec local min = xmin if (ymin > min) then min = ymin normal = yvec end if (zmin > min) then min = zmin normal = zvec end if (min >= 0) and (min < 1) then time = min elseif (xmax > 0) and (ymax > 0) and (zmax > 0) and (min < 0) then time = 0 normal =, 0, 0) end return model, normal, time else return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end else -- Cylinder local time = 1 local cf = model.CFrame - model.Position local xvec = cf *, 0, 0) local xspd = -dot(xvec, vector) local xmin, xmax = -1 local dotProd = dot(xvec, start - model.Position) if (xspd ~= 0) then xmin = (dotProd - halfSize.x) / xspd xmax = (dotProd + halfSize.x) / xspd if (xmax < xmin) then local swap = xmin xmin = xmax xmax = swap end else if (math.abs(dotProd) < halfSize.x) then xmax = 1 xmin = 0 else return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end end local relVec = cf:pointToObjectSpace(vector) *, 1, 1) local relPos = model.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(start) *, 1, 1) local rmin, rmax = getLineSphereCollide(relPos, relVec,, 0, 0), halfSize.y) if (xmin <= rmax) and (xmax >= rmin) and (rmax > 0) then local normal = xvec local min = xmin if (rmin > min) then min = rmin normal = cf * (relPos + relVec * min) end if (min >= 0) and (min < 1) then time = min elseif (xmax > 0) and (rmax > 0) and (min < 0) then time = 0 normal =, 0, 0) end return model, normal, time else return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end return nil,, 0, 0), 1 end end return nil,, 0, 0), 1 elseif (model.className=="Model") or (model.className=="Workspace") or (model.className=="Hat") or (model.className == "Tool") then local children=model:GetChildren() function tagHumanoid(humanoid) local plr=game.Players:playerFromCharacter(sp.Parent) if plr~=nil then local"ObjectValue") tag.Value=plr tag.Name="creator" tag.Parent=humanoid delay(2,function() if tag~=nil then tag.Parent=nil end end) end end

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