so ive got a brick, when u hold ur mouse on it it gives gold overtime and repeats and animation which looks like you're holding a fishing pole....problem is, you arent holding a fishing pole :(
so im wondering, how do u make an item appear when an animation is played, or make an item appear when the script is used if that makes when im holding my mouse down on the brick it plays my animation where my arms move forward as if they are holding a pole then a fishing pole appears so it looks like im fishing, ive got the model and script, i just dont know how to mix them together lol
here is the script
script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(player) local leftMouseDown = true player:GetMouse().Button1Up:connect(function() leftMouseDown = false end) wait(1) spawn(function() while leftMouseDown do local animationTrack = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.FishingAnimation) animationTrack:Play() wait(1) end end) spawn(function() while leftMouseDown do player.leaderstats.Gold.Value = player.leaderstats.Gold.Value + 10 wait(math.random(1,10)) end end) end)