_G.Players = game:GetService("Players") for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Name == "RadiantSolarium" and v:IsA("Player") then local M = Instance.new("Message", game.Workspace) M.Text = "The Mighty Pickle has arrived!" end end
The message that spawns won't de-spawn.
This is only running right when the server is started. If you are not the first player to join the server, then the script will not notice you entered the game because it will never run again.
To fix this, we need to create a function. We have to use the PlayerAdded
event so the function fires when any player enters the game. Then we can check if the player's name is RadianSolarium and create the message from there..
_G.Players = game:GetService("Players") function playerEntered(player) if player.Name == "RadiantSolarium" then local M = Instance.new("Message", game.Workspace) M.Text = "The Mighty Pickle has arrived!" wait(4) M:Destroy() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(playerEntered)
Here is more information on functions. Here is more information on events. Here is more information on PlayerAdded.
If I helped you out, be sure to accept my answer!