This script would continue to be very long but I decided to make it shorter for the sake of reading. I would appreciate it if somebody could give me a way to shorten it.
while wait() do if script.Parent.Visible == true then wait(10) script.Parent.Visible = false game.Workspace.ZombiesTotal.Value = 5 while wait() do if game.Workspace.ZombiesRemaining == 0 then game.Workspace.ZombiesTotal.Value = 10 while wait() do if game.Workspace.ZombiesRemaining == 0 then game.Workspace.ZombiesTotal.Value = 15 end end end end else end end
Thanks in advance for any help you may provide!
I've explained this to the asker in the Community Chat already.
local currentZombieCount = 0 game.Workspace.ZombiesRemaining.Changed:connect(function(newValue) if newValue == 0 then script.Parent.Visible = true end end) while wait() do repeat wait() until script.Parent.Visible == true currentZombieCount = currentZombieCount + 5 wait(10) game.Workspace.ZombiesTotal.Value = currentZombieCount script.Parent.Visible = false end