I made this script a while back. After a while, it didn't seem to work anymore.
What happened was it only understood I have one thing. of an array of ten.
here's the script.
function Enter(plr) wait(.5) plr:WaitForDataReady() plr.leaderstats.Gems.Value=plr:LoadNumber("Gems") plr.BCGems.Value=plr:LoadNumber("BCGems") ge=plr.Gems:GetChildren() for i=1,#ge do ge[i].Value=plr:LoadNumber(tostring(i)) end bc=plr.BCoins:GetChildren() for i=1,#bc do bc[i].Value=plr:LoadNumber(tostring(i)) end end function Exit(oplr) ge=oplr.Gems:GetChildren() oplr:SaveNumber("Gems",oplr.leaderstats.Gems.Value) oplr:SaveNumber("BCGems",oplr.leaderstats.BCGems.Value) for i=1,#ge do oplr:SaveNumber(i,ge[tostring(i)].Value) end bc=oplr.BCoins:GetChildren() for i=1,#bc do oplr:SaveNumber(i,bc[tostring(i)].Value) end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(Enter) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(Exit)
It used to work.
Please help. This is the game: http://www.roblox.com/games/249848896/AE-NC-Test-Demo
It's becouse it came out the new data saving system, called Data Store
. It's more efficient and it even works in other places (That is in the same game).
Look for tutorials out there.