What's the easiest way to remove the leaderboard?
You can use a LocalScript to use the SetCoreGuiEnabled
method to set the leaderboard value to false. SetCoreGuiEnabled allows you to disable or enable Core Guis of ROBLOX, such as the leaderboard, chat, health bar, and the backpack. The leaderboard's enum value is 0 in CoreGuis.
takes two parameters: The Core GUI you want to disable, and if you want it to to turn visible or not with a boolean.
game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(0, false)
Placing this code in a LocalScript in StarterGui should work perfectly fine.
Here is the wiki page on SetCoreGuiEnabled.
If I helped you out, be sure to accept my answer!
Hi...Since the leaderboard is a Type of core GUI We will use SetCoreGuiEnabled.
game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList, false)-- This means That your getting the GUI Server then going into the core GUI and removing the type called Leaderboard.
Hope this helped let me know if it did. I cant test it right now but im almost positive it worked