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Does running multiple RenderStepped events at once cause lag?

Asked by 9 years ago

Basically what I want to know is if running multiple RenderStepped events at once or using multiple RenderStepped:wait() methods at once will cause lag, and if so, how can maintain the same smoothness while lowering the loop speed?

For example, in my gun kit, I have a very long block of code that deals with animations, containing multiple loops for the Idleing, Walking, and Running animations. They all use RenderStepped:wait() to delay each loop. Is there a way I can step down the loop rate and keep the same smoothness of the animations?


Use Animations instead: Perci1 4988 — 9y
Default Animation objects are bad for variable animations that changed based upon the surrounding environment, since they're absolute. Unclear 1776 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

Speaking from experience, I haven't had any lag running multiple loops with RenderStepped but I have a fairly decent computer so I wouldn't experience lag that some people would.

There isn't another option for creating smooth animations without renderstepped. RenderStepped fires everytime the client renders a new frame so if you move something everytime RenderStepped fires it will seem flawless for the player, the closest to renderstepped you can get is wait() but that's only roughly 30fps (The player can render frames up to twice that speed). You should just keep using renderstepped how you have been. You can also use ROBLOX Animations but you're limited in what you can do with them


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