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Is it possible to make player play an animation on clicking a brick?

Asked by
nicros 165
9 years ago

so i dont want anyone to write me a script or animate anything, im just wondering it is possible.

k so ive got this script

script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(player) local leftMouseDown = true player:GetMouse().Button1Up:connect(function() leftMouseDown = false end) wait(1) while leftMouseDown do player.leaderstats.Gold.Value = player.leaderstats.Gold.Value + 10 wait(1) end end)

would it be possible to within the

    while leftMouseDown do  
        player.leaderstats.Gold.Value = player.leaderstats.Gold.Value + 10 

Part add a player animation. ill explain

this is going to be a very basic fishing system and it works by holding your mouse button down on the fishing hole. and im wanting to to play an animation of holding a pole, i can make the animation and such but im wondering if this is even possible to do b4 i try.

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Once you have the Animation you can Play it like so:

animationTrack = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(*Enter Animation Instance Here*)

You could have the Animation Instance located in the script (I.E have the script as its Parent) You can then play it like so:

animationTrack = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.FishingAnimation)

So, yes it is possible. The "LoadAnimation" function returns an "AnimationTrack" object which you can then play.

thanks for the nice answer, was worried at first when i checked animations wiki all i saw about player animations was it had to be in a local script. which i couldnt do on my brick nicros 165 — 9y

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