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Repeat block of code while button is held on a block?

Asked by
nicros 165
9 years ago

so thanks for the user Ryzox i have a working script that gives gold when u click on a block....and im using it for a super simple fishing system, but im wanting it to repeat giving gold while you are holding click on the block if it makes sense.....

im very noob at lua so i have no clue how to do this. i know its probably going to use the While repeat but idk how to add that along with while mouse button is down or w/e and help would be appreciated :)

here is the script ive got

    local Leaderstats = player:findFirstChild("leaderstats")
    if Leaderstats:findFirstChild("Gold") then
            --Below needs to repeat while left mouse button is held down on the block
            Leaderstats.Gold.Value = Leaderstats.Gold.Value + 10
            --Above needs to repeat while left mouse button down on the block

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

The Click Detector itself does not have an event (E.G "MouseClick" in your code there) However the MouseClick event gives a player object and inside that there is a function (E.G "FindFirstChild") called "GetMouse" which returns a "PlayerMouse" object which does have an event to detect when the mouse buttons are released.

script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(player) --The clickdetector event gives a player object.
    local leftMouseDown = true
        leftMouseDown = false --When the left mouse button is released then the loop will be stopped.
    while leftMouseDown do --This is equal to "while leftMouseDown == true do". This basically means that while the leftMouseDown variable is true then run the code inside
        player.leaderstats.Gold.Value = player.leaderstats.Gold.Value + 10 --This adds the 10 gold to the leaderstats
        wait(1) --This means that the loop waits 1 second before adding another 10 gold

This code does assume that the "leaderstats" and the "Gold" Instances already exist. Meaning that if they don't then the code will error.

I added them in like so:

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) --Called whenever a player joins the game
    local leaderstats ="Model")
    leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
    leaderstats.Parent = player
    local gold ="IntValue")
    gold.Name = "Gold"
    gold.Parent = leaderstats

Hope this was what you was looking for.

omg ty so much, this is exactly what i was looking for :) nicros 165 — 9y

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