I have some string values which are loaded and saved into server storage. I made them server side to stop people exploiting on my game. I have a scoreboard GUI which opens when the player holds Q, in the gui I used a local script for the gui so I can't access the values which are stored on the server. How can I do this?
I came to rblx lua from gmod lua which lets you send messages from server to client using net library but i cant find anything like this for roblox.
Welcome to ROBLOX! It's a good thing you have experience; it'll make explaining things a lot faster. :D
The thing you're looking for is a RemoteEvent. These are useful objects that allow you to ferry information between the Server and Client using the FireClient method, the FireAllClients method, and the FireServer method.
Essentially, your strategy will be to send a request over to the server with some information, and then send a request from the server back to the client with the requested server-only information.
I highly suggest adding some sort of input response so people don't feel your game is "laggy"; it takes time to go from client to server to client (on the scale of around maybe 1 second at worst).