So I made two Humanoid people. One of them is named AI and the other Test. At first when I ran the script it would make the character move to to the Test's direction, but just in a straight line. Which means I had to make a loop right? So I did, and now it doesn't move at all!Plus I have no output... Please help guys.
~The Script~
local a = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Test") local b = script.Parent if a then local path = game:GetService("PathfindingService") while wait(4) do local route = path:ComputeRawPathAsync(b.Torso.Position, a.Torso.Position, 200) if route.Status == "Enum.PathStatus.Success" then b.Humanoid:Move(a.Torso.Position) end end end
local a = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Test") local b = script.Parent local path = game:GetService("PathfindingService") -- I'm not sure why you're using a loop. It usually only has to run ONCE to get to the point. Or else major lag would occur. local route = path:ComputeRawPathAsync(b.Torso.Position, a.Torso.Position, 200) if route.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then b.Humanoid:WalkToPoint(a.Torso.Position) -- Changed to WalkToPoint because Move isn't a thing? end