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What is a function i can use that executes ONLY when two parts are touching?

Asked by 9 years ago

What function can i use that executes when two parts are touching, similar to the onTouched() one? the difference would be that as far as I know onTouched() is only for when your character touches a part, not when a part touches another part.

Actually, the Touched Event can do both. The event will return the part hitting the other part to the function. So like, part.Touched:connect(function(hit) print(hit.Name) end) M39a9am3R 3210 — 9y
how can i do that but make it only work when the parts are touching? like so that the function is only executed when the parts are touching, and when they stop touching the function stops? Gwolflover 80 — 9y

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