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Why can this script do both, the tix and robux, after I click it? (Nevermind)

Asked by 9 years ago

I am making something where when a player clicks they can buy it. The items they are buying is actually from other players, because one it is to advertise and help them out, and two, I am not even in BC or Club :D. Anyway, I found a script where when I click the item, it will pop up saying like are you sure you want to buy it. Then when you click buy, then it means you bought it. But what makes me confuse is that, it doesn't include the tix with it, but only robux. This is the script:

local Id = script.Parent.Parent.ItemID.Value

    game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptPurchase(player, Id)

Hope you know what I mean.

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Answered by
ImageLabel 1541 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

ROBLOX-made assets sold on the catalog are usually either sold it ROBUX or TICKETS. Therefore, only the currency it's sold in is shown on the prompt purchase notification. In other cases, both will show if the owner is selling the asset in both currencies.

Okay, thanks again bro RobotChitti 167 — 9y

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