Waiting = 22 VRC = script.VR:Clone() --VR is name of second script VRC.Parent = Workspace wait(.5+Waiting) VRC.Disabled = false
Second script
Te.VR = game.Workspace.VR if not TeVR then break end--Script disabled
Incase this helps I am bad at making errors, my output is broken, because it will not show errors..
First off the output is saying there is no loop to break in the VR so I don't know if you have more code there. http://prntscr.com/7x93pm
Everything else worked for me.
First Script I made the waiting time a little bit shorter for testing purposes
Waiting = 1 VRC = script.Parent.VR:Clone() --VR is name of second script VRC.Parent = game.Workspace VRC.Name = "New" -- I used it to see what was happening in the new script, you can remove it wait(.5+Waiting) VRC.Disabled = false print"done"
Copied Script
Te.VR = game.Workspace.VR if not TeVR then break -- This part is causing an error. end--Script disabled