This is my script but it is not printing changed and the output says:
19:27:37.617 - Workspace.Soldier.Folder.Scripts.Move:10: attempt to index global 'Moving' (a boolean value)
Folder = script.Parent.Parent Soldier = script.Parent.Parent.Parent Torso = Soldier.Torso Face = Torso.BodyGyro Force = Torso.BodyVelocity Location = Folder.Values.Location.Value TargetLocation = Folder.Values.TargetLocation.Value Moving = Folder.Values.Moving.Value Moving.Changed:connect(function() print ("Changed") if Moving then while Moving and Location ~= TargetLocation do -- If Moving now is true and is not already at the target location -- Play animation for legs? Face.CFrame =, CFrame(TargetLocation)) --Face target location Force.velocity = Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 100 -- Move to target location end elseif not Moving then -- If moving now is false -- Stop animation Face.CFrame = nil -- Will this stop it from facing the position, and just come to a rest, obviously still facing the position as it won't have changed, but it won't be 'bond' to it Force.velocity = Torso.CFrame.lookVector * 0 end end)
Moving = Folder.Values.Moving.Value
As you can see, Moving
is the value's Value property, not the object itself. Properties don't have events. Therefore this is a simple fix:
Moving = Folder.Values.Moving Moving.Changed:connect(function(property) print(property) --It will print what the property equals now. end)