My HideName won't work..
game..Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function((player) player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character) local head2=character.Head:clone() local Neck=character.Torso.Neck:clone() character.Head.Transparency=1 head2.Parent=character head2.Name="Head2" Neck.Parent=character.Torso Neck.Part0=character.Torso Neck.Part1=head2 if head2:findFirstChild("face") then head2.face:remove() end script.ChangeColor:clone().Parent=head2 head2.ChangeColor.Disabled=false end) end)
Says no errors in output..
I don't see anything wrong with your code other than some simple mistakes on line 1, but you said there's no errors so I'm not sure what that's about.
Reguardless of this, you're making this too complicated. There is a property of the Player called NameDisplayDistance
. This will set the distance, in studs, that the user's name is displayed. So.. naturally, if set to 0 then it will hide your name completely.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) wait() plr.NameDisplayDistance = 0 end)