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Allowing a player to zoom out a certain amount?

Asked by
Relatch 550 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

I've looked through the wiki on CameraMaxZoomDistance, but still failed to find out how to do what the title of this question says. There, I see that it's a property of Player or StarterPlayer, but I cannot find a script that explains how to do it. Help?

Also, here is the link on CameraMaxZoomDistance.

It's a property of StarterPlayer as well a Player object. You can just change the property in StarterPlayer. BosswalrusTheCoder 88 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

LocalScript Inside StarterPack.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Max = 0 Player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = Max ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Actually, it's a property of StarterPlayer in the game. But, thanks for giving me the idea. Also, you did the codeblock wrong o; Relatch 550 — 9y
The Player object has a CameraMaxZoomDistance too. BosswalrusTheCoder 88 — 9y

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