I made a script, it is for custom inventory picking up. When you go over an item it clones itself, goes to backpack, then removes itself... when equipping the item if you press the P button it clones itself to workspace, and removes itself. Unfortunately, I don't know how to set the model's position relevant to the player's! Here is my script
local tool = script.Parent tool.Equipped:connect(function(mouse) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key == "p" then local gitem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Pitchforkitem:clone() gitem.Parent = workspace gitem.Position = script.Parent.Parent.Torso.Position -- this part script.Parent:remove() end end) end)
Please help!!! Thank you!!!
Model:MoveTo(Vector3 position)
This will teleport the model to the given position. If there are any obstructions in the way of that position then Roblox will automatically place the model on top of them.